Can you fight with Tai Chi?
My personal martial arts journey started with ITF Taekwon-do, I then moved to MMA (Muay Thai + BJJ), and finally arrived at Taijiquan (also known as Tai Chi in the west). As an MMA guy I'd like to explain to people completely foreign to Chinese Martial Arts how Taijiquan would work like in an actual fight/sparring. TLDR; It doesn't work most of the time, but it can work under certain conditions What is Taijiquan I will not even attempt to give a full description in here. There are lots of other places you can find if you really care about this. For the purposes of this article, let's say Taijiquan is a Chinese martial art. It emphasizes relaxation, softness, and never going force against force. It uses Taoist philosophy. Your posture must be soft, but not too soft. Nowadays it's mostly known as a health exercise, and compared with things like Yoga. How does Taijiquan fight like? A common way to fight with Taijiquan is trying to take your opponent's back. So closing ...